Responsibly Designed
We are located in Huntington Beach, California. By designing, engineering and manufacturing in a state with strict regulations, we ensure that we're offering products that meet the most stringent requirements.

We're the first in our industry to develop a thermostatic shower system that’s entirely compliant with the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen). Our innovative design modifications meet the CALGreen code requirements while still offering the superior features and benefits of a thermostatic shower system, including volume control, anti-scald protection and precision water temperature settings. CALGreen is California's first green building code and first in the nation state-mandated green building code.

Water Sense
WaterSense is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program designed to encourage water efficiency in the United States through the use of a special label on consumer products.
WaterSense labeled products are backed by independent, third–party certification and meet EPA’s specifications for water efficiency and performance, ensuring exceptional performance, savings on your water bills, and assurance that you are saving water for future generations.

ADA & Universal Design
Bathroom safety is important for everyone and many of our products are built with safety in mind. Need a little lift from a grab bar? Want to roll into a curbless shower with a seamless drain installation? Need an easy to use lever handle? Look for the ADA symbol throughout our site for products that adhere to the design requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act which ensures access to the built environment for people with disabilities.

Proposition 65
California’s Prop 65 requires businesses to provide a “clear and reasonable warning” before exposing anyone to a listed chemical that OEHHA determines to be a carcinogen or a reproductive toxicant. We are required to label all products sold in California. All California Faucets products meet or exceed the requirements of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. We're confident that there are no consequential health hazards associated with our products. For more info, please visit