Customer Service

Our award-winning representatives are at the heart of California Faucets
We don’t believe in voicemail. If you have a question about your order or need technical information about your product, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM PST, you’ll always find a friendly voice answering your call. Or if you prefer, send us an email. Our award-winning customer service team is always ready to leap into action to help find the answers you need quickly and efficiently.

Shannon Hayward
Shannon Hayward brought her extensive Customer Service experience to California Faucets in 2015, starting as a Customer Service Representative and quickly working her way up to Customer Service Lead. Shannon says her favorite thing about working at California Faucets is the family environment created by our founder, Fred Silverstein.
When she’s not helping customers or entering orders at work, Shannon enjoys family time, riding motorcycles and traveling.
When you join California Faucets you become part of our family. Today we are over 200 strong and growing.